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A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.
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A flexible two-column Jekyll theme. Perfect for personal sites, blogs, and portfolios hosted on GitHub or your own server. Latest release v3.4.4
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet salami ham hock ham, hamburger corned beef short ribs kielbasa biltong t-bone drumstick tri-tip tail sirloin pork chop.
Are you familiar with the python dictionary class? Let me give you a quick test to check your level of knowledge.
The Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) proposed an interesting way to represent a 3D scene using an implicit network for high fidelity volumetric rendering. Compa...
Setting class attributes in python can be tedious. In this post, I want to summarize a trick that I’ve been using to simplify this process.
I’ve been using VIM for most of my Ph.D. years and one of the reasons why I stick with VIM is that I could just ssh to a remote server and recover environmen...
Documentation probably is one of the most important tasks that no one has time for. I also overlook the importance as I get swept by a series of projects and...
Pytorch is a great neural network library that has both flexibility and power. Personally, I think it is the best neural network library for prototyping (adv...
Mathematical notation is the convention that we all use to denote a concept in a concise mathematical formulation, yet sometimes there is more than one way t...
In Machine Learning, supervised problems can be categorized into regression or classification problems. The categorization is quite intuitive as the name ind...
We have heard enough about the great success of neural networks and how they are used in real problems. Today, I want to talk about how it was so successful ...
A Gaussian process is a non-parametric model which can represent a complex function using a growing set of data. Unlike a neural network, which can also lear...
In the previous post, we covered variational inference and how to derive update equations. In this post, we will go over a simple Gaussian Mixture Model with...
Statistical inference involves finding the right model and parameters that represent the distribution of observations well. Let $\mathbf{x}$ be the observati...
TL;DR: Universal Correspondence Network proposed the first fully convolutional way to learn contrastive embeddings for correspondences.
Python layer in Caffe can speed up development process Issue1703
Parametric Regression uses a predefined function form to fit the data best (i.e, we make an assumption about the distribution of data by implicitly modeling ...
Reading protobuf DB in python
Fast way to sample points on a triangular mesh
Caffe is one of the most popular open-source neural network frameworks. It is modular, clean, and fast. Extending it is tricky but not as difficult as extend...
Gradient propagation is the crucial method for training a neural network
How to quickly install and setup Minimal Mistakes for use with GitHub Pages.
How the theme is organized and what all of the files are for.
Instructions for installing the theme for new and existing Jekyll based sites.
Instructions and suggestions for upgrading the theme.
Settings for configuring and customizing the theme.
Instructions on how to customize the main navigation and enabling breadcrumb links.
Text for customizing various user interface elements found in the theme.
Instructions and settings for working with multiple site authors.
Descriptions and samples of all layouts included with the theme and how to best use them.
Suggestions and Front Matter defaults for working with posts.
Suggestions and Front Matter defaults for working with pages.
Suggestions and Front Matter defaults for working with collections.
Jekyll _includes and other helpers to use as shortcuts for creating archives, galleries, table of contents, and more.
CSS classes for aligning text/image, styling buttons and notices, and more.
Instructions for customizing and building the theme’s stylesheets.
Instructions for customizing and building the theme’s scripts.
Changelog of enhancements and bug fixes made to the theme.
How you can contribute to make this theme better.
Setup and installation instructions for Minimal Mistakes 2.2 (deprecated).
License for Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme.
Foo Bar design system including logo mark, website design, and branding applications.